T.R.S.I PRESENT GOBLIINS II COMPLETE DOC IN ENGLISH. ( THE STORY ) What a tragedy!King ANGOULAFRE's son has disappeared!The governess,who was with him at the time,saw him be carried off by winged creature.Has he been kidnapped?Will he,still so young and confident,be able to resist horrendous treatment at the hands of the infamous torturer? Driven by despair,ANGOULAFRE rushes off to see MODEMUS,the wise man,in the hope that he with the aid of his magical powers,will be able to find the child.It was true-the Prince had definitely been kidnapped.His captor is a horrible demon called AMONIAK from a far,distant land,a land so distant that it can only be reached by magic.DOMENIC,a powerful warrior and king of this kingdom has been seized by the demon who now rules over the starving subjects of this land.To take revenge against the noble ANGOULAFRE who had defeated him fifty years earlier in hand-to-hand combat,AMONIAK has made the Prince his jester! What else is there to do but to call upon several daring adventurers,ever -ready to confront a ferocious dragon in the name of honour and glory?Who should show up but two talented gobliins,as different as they are complentary to each other,ready to rescue the delicate child from the clutches of the cunning demon.FINGUS is a serious,polite and careful little fellow.WINKLE is an oddball and a joker,cheeky and reckless. Before tele-transporting them,MODEMUS gives them his last words of advice: "I'm going to send you off by magic to the little village adjoining the castle.All the inhabitants of this village with the exception of a few privileged individuals,are dying of starvation and thirst.First of all ,go and pay a visit to TAZAAR,my colleague who is the village magician .He's a bit grumpy but full of common sense.Your first problem will be to get out of the village due to a giant who was banished from the village for a month by TAZAAR on account of his drinking bouts,he prevents anyone from leaving. As for AMONIAK,he has created a moat around the castle to control the comings and goings of everybody.There,the wise man SOKA levitates, immune to the ill-doings of the demon,meditating day and night to exorcise the place. There's no need to tell you that since AMONIAK's arrival,the little world around the castle has been turned upside-down.No-one more so than TOM,the master clockmaker whose melodious chimes have been turned into a harsh tick-tock. And KAEL,the walking apple-tree who is now permanently thirsty.Not to mention VIVALZART,the music-mad heron,who in an effort to cure his insomnia,is looking for mushrooms that will send him to sleep. The castle itself is guarded by a band of merry-makers,more stupid than dangerous.AMONIAK controls them with the help of an idol which they superstitiously hold in great esteem.The Prince Buffoon is not the only prisoner.There is also a scientist whom AMONIAK has forced to build a shrinking machine to punish DOMENIC,who has been shrunk and locked into his own armour. Even whilst working for the enemy,the scientist is just waiting for the opportunity to muster the followers of the fallen king.For the example,the dwarf blacksmith whom AMONIAK has kept close by in order to have him make weapons. As for the cook,he is forced to prepare gloubagoulbi balls,the favourite food of OUMKAPOK,AMONIAK's right-hand man and the cook's only compagny is the sad COLIBRIUS who is locked up in a cage and cries unceasingly for his love. To rescue the Prince you have to get into the throne room.The best way to do this is to use the sea-passage beneath the castle.It's up to you to get back-perhaps by combining magic and science.If you return to TAZAAR's house with the Prince you will have won. Be on your way! Good luck!!! " 2.THE AIM OF THE GAME After passing through strange lands the gobliins have to get to DOMENIC's castle which is being held by the demon AMONIAK,rescue the Prince Buffoon and bring him back. The places which are passed through are divided into small worlds made up of 2-5 screens which are connected to each other .Each world has a mystery to be solved and the clues are hidden in the screens which go to make it up. The gobliins are blessed with an extraordinary vitality,they cannot die.They can only successfuly carry out the key actions by working in unison.E.g. FINGUS works the fountain whilst WINKLE fills the bottle.Timing is therefore essential.In fact,in order to win you have to act at precisely the right moment-neither too soon nor too late. Towards the end of the game you will acquire a third character,the Prince Buffoon. Even though he can be selected and moved around like the others,he cannot collect objets and seldom acts. 3.INTERACTIVITY The two gobliins are the screen at the same time and can be manipulated simultaneously.The orders have to be given alternately by activating one gobliin is put into action he appears on the screen in profile.To change gobliins,click the left button of the mouse directly on him. The gobliins share objects,there's one inventory for the two of them.But each of them can have a differnt object in his hand.We can change gobliins, even if they are holding something,by clicking on the other one. THE SCREEN is divided into four zones: - the information panel which appears at the top of the screen when the cursor arrow is placed on the top part of the screen. - the central part where the adventure unfolds. - the dialogue window. - the help line or bottom line. 4.THE CURSOR'S ROLE: When you move the cursor arrow about the screen it corresponds to the act of investigating.A text appears on the help line when you move into a special zone. This allows you to find: - special places or objects. - characters,you show them or give them objects or allow them to express themselves. - exit,the cursor "arrow" changes into a "door" WHEN YOU CLICK THE CURSOR "ARROW": - on the ground,the gobliin goes to the chosen place. - on an active zone the gobliin moves up to the place indicated and carries out the corresponding action. E.g:on a button,hee presses it. - on a object,the gobliin moves towards the object and picks it up.This will cause the "object" cursor (a barred arrow)to appear. This means that you are folding the object. The phrase "use (name of object) on"appears on the help line.The object can be put into immedite use or placed in the inventory. THE USE OF OBJECTS: - once you have the cursor on the object,you can,put it in the inventory.Press the right button. - use it in a zone.If you move the "object" cursor into an active zone "use (name of object) on"appears on the help line followed by the name of the place or character chosen by the "object" cursor.If you press the left button you will be able to use the object in the chosen zone. E.g:"use key on lock" the action is determi- ned by the object,the gobliin moves and car- ries out the action. - personal use,if you use an object anywhere outside a special zone the gobliin moves to there and uses the object on itself.If you click on him he carries out the action on the spot. THE INVENTORY: - when you press the right button of the mouse on the cursor arrow the inventory of the objects in your possession appears in a window.Choose the object by putting yourself on the correct line and pressing the left button.Thus you can "use on" or "put back in the inventory" (see previous example). - to close the inventory press the right button or the left button outside the inventory window.